My Special Gift- Poem

by My Forever Child

My Special Gift
You came in a hurry,
Way too soon.
My special gift.

Your life was short,
But you taught me so much.
It isn’t fair,
I had to let you go.
You were my special gift from God.

I miss you everyday
Not a minute goes by,
That I don’t think of you.
My special gift.

So many memories we made together,
I will cherish you forever.
My special gift from God.

I can’t wait til the day
We will be reunited
I will hold you forever.
I love you, always.
My special gift from God.

©~Nicole Lothridge~
For Jaden Marquee Lothridge
11-3-04 to 1-25-06

My Forever Child
My Forever Child


Grief & Healing Resources for the loss of a baby, child, or loved one

Also in Memorial Poems

My Forever Child Poem & Logo- Copyrighted
My Forever Child- Poem

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Created out of love,
a blessing from above.
I've adored you from the start,
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